Which plant species will survive the global change challenge?

Which plant species will survive the global change challenge?

In a temperate montane forest in southern Québec, all is quiet. But if you dig a little deeper, you’ll see the landscape has a story to tell. Waterloo plant ecologist Dr. Julie Messier, alongside her collaborators from Sherbrooke, is uncovering vital insights into the changes affecting our forests—knowledge that could be crucial in safeguarding Canada’s…

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Projections show future droughts could be longer than expected

Projections show future droughts could be longer than expected

The average longest periods of drought could be ten days longer by the end of the century than previously predicted by climate models, according to research published in Nature. The findings suggest that the hazards droughts pose to societies and ecosystems in the coming decades may be greater than expected. The average longest periods of drought…

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Walking the trees: Researchers trace how First Nations groups moved bunya pine and black bean trees

Walking the trees: Researchers trace how First Nations groups moved bunya pine and black bean trees

For millennia, Indigenous knowledge holders have passed down lore to the next generation. Much lore describes the relationships between people and Country, including custodial responsibilities to care for other species as kin. For millennia, Indigenous knowledge holders have passed down lore to the next generation. Much lore describes the relationships between people and Country, including custodial…

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How job-hopping managers undermine corporate culture

How job-hopping managers undermine corporate culture

As most successful companies will know, building effective corporate culture is very rewarding, but also challenging. It requires senior managers to create shared values and embed those values in their decisions and interactions with staff. As most successful companies will know, building effective corporate culture is very rewarding, but also challenging. It requires senior managers to…

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How to prepare for a stormy ‘supercharged’ September

How to prepare for a stormy ‘supercharged’ September

The effects of climate change have become an ominous presence in our lives, and the dramatic media monikers that accompany them—bomb cyclones, atmospheric rivers, thundersnow, black swan events, heat domes, polar vortexes—sound almost biblical. The effects of climate change have become an ominous presence in our lives, and the dramatic media monikers that accompany them—bomb cyclones,…

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Scientists have found evidence of past extreme solar storms—they could be disastrous for technology-based society

Scientists have found evidence of past extreme solar storms—they could be disastrous for technology-based society

In September 1859, the same year that Darwin published “On the Origin of Species,” telegraph systems across Europe and North America stopped working and started sparking, leading to fires in some cases. In September 1859, the same year that Darwin published “On the Origin of Species,” telegraph systems across Europe and North America stopped working and…

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