When Was Halley’s Comet Last Seen and Will It Ever Return?

When Was Halley’s Comet Last Seen and Will It Ever Return?

Halley’s Comet appears only once every 75 years, sparking excitement among both casual observers and astronomers. Learn what makes this celestial event so special. Halley’s Comet appears only once every 75 years, sparking excitement among both casual observers and astronomers. Learn what makes this celestial event so special. The Sciences All Articles | Discover Magazine

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CMS experiment at CERN weighs in on the W boson mass

CMS experiment at CERN weighs in on the W boson mass

The CMS experiment at CERN is the latest to weigh in on the mass of the W boson—an elementary particle that, along with the Z boson, mediates the weak force, which is responsible for a form of radioactivity and initiates the nuclear fusion reaction that powers the sun. The CMS experiment at CERN is the latest…

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Label-free optical tech takes power and efficiency of biological sensing to record level

Label-free optical tech takes power and efficiency of biological sensing to record level

University of Arizona researchers have developed a new biological sensing method that can detect substances at the zeptomolar level—an astonishingly miniscule amount. University of Arizona researchers have developed a new biological sensing method that can detect substances at the zeptomolar level—an astonishingly miniscule amount. Biotechnology Molecular & Computational biology Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories

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Graphite oxidation experiments reveal new type of oscillating chemical reaction

Graphite oxidation experiments reveal new type of oscillating chemical reaction

A reaction that puzzled scientists for 50 years has now been explained by researchers at Umeå University. Rapid structural snapshots captured how graphite transforms into graphite oxide during electrochemical oxidation, revealing intermediate structures that appear and disappear over time. The researchers describe this as a new type of oscillating reaction. A reaction that puzzled scientists for…

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New technology produces ultrashort ion pulses

New technology produces ultrashort ion pulses

TU Wien (Vienna) has succeeded in generating laser-synchronized ion pulses with a duration of well under 500 picoseconds, which can be used to observe chemical processes on material surfaces. The work has been published in Physical Review Research. TU Wien (Vienna) has succeeded in generating laser-synchronized ion pulses with a duration of well under 500 picoseconds,…

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