Forever chemicals persist through waste incineration, researcher finds

Forever chemicals persist through waste incineration, researcher finds

PFAS, often called “forever chemicals,” present in municipal solid waste can survive the high temperatures of waste incineration and continue to spread into the environment via residues from waste-to-energy plants. PFAS, often called “forever chemicals,” present in municipal solid waste can survive the high temperatures of waste incineration and continue to spread into the environment via…

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Researchers achieve aluminum molecular ring-based rotaxane and polyrotaxane

Researchers achieve aluminum molecular ring-based rotaxane and polyrotaxane

Rotaxanes have garnered interest for their unique structures consisting of mechanically interlocked axles and macrocycles. Numerous organic macrocycles have been employed to construct rotaxanes, including crown ether, cyclobis(paraquat-p-phenylene), calixarene, pillararene, cyclodextrin, and cucurbituril. Rotaxanes have garnered interest for their unique structures consisting of mechanically interlocked axles and macrocycles. Numerous organic macrocycles have been employed to construct…

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Scientists scan TRAPPIST-1 for technosignatures

Scientists scan TRAPPIST-1 for technosignatures

If you are going to look for intelligent life beyond Earth, there are few better candidates than the TRAPPIST-1 star system. It isn’t a perfect choice. Red dwarf stars like TRAPPIST-1 are notorious for emitting flares and hard X-rays in their youth, but the system is just 40 light-years away and has seven Earth-sized worlds. If…

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Targeted interventions add five months’ progress for students with SEND

Targeted interventions add five months’ progress for students with SEND

Targeted interventions can raise overall educational outcomes for students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) by an average of five months, compared to teaching-as-usual or standard interventions, finds a report by UCL researchers. Targeted interventions can raise overall educational outcomes for students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) by an average of five months,…

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Arctic weather satellite’s first images capture Storm Boris

Arctic weather satellite’s first images capture Storm Boris

Just a month after its launch, ESA’s Arctic Weather Satellite has already delivered its first images, notably capturing Storm Boris, which has been wreaking havoc across central Europe. Just a month after its launch, ESA’s Arctic Weather Satellite has already delivered its first images, notably capturing Storm Boris, which has been wreaking havoc across central Europe. Earth…

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