Cellular ‘trash’ reveals new immune defense mechanism against bacteria

Cellular ‘trash’ reveals new immune defense mechanism against bacteria

Much like humans generate mountains of garbage, our cells are constantly discarding proteins that are damaged or no longer needed. The cellular waste disposal system called the proteasome is best known for its central role in protein degradation and recycling, but as far back as the 1990s it was shown that products of this process—short protein sequences called peptides—can be displayed on the cell surfaces, helping the immune system to identify threats. Much like humans generate mountains of garbage, our cells are constantly discarding proteins that are damaged or no longer needed. The cellular waste disposal system called the proteasome is best known for its central role in protein degradation and recycling, but as far back as the 1990s it was shown that products of this process—short protein sequences called peptides—can be displayed on the cell surfaces, helping the immune system to identify threats. Cell & Microbiology Molecular & Computational biology Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories

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