School readiness at age 4–5 could help predict unemployment and education drop-out at age 16–17, according to a study led by the University of Leeds with Lancaster University. Children who were behind in their development at age 4–5 were almost three times as likely to have been out of education, employment, or training at age 16–17, analysis of pupil data has found. School readiness at age 4–5 could help predict unemployment and education drop-out at age 16–17, according to a study led by the University of Leeds with Lancaster University. Children who were behind in their development at age 4–5 were almost three times as likely to have been out of education, employment, or training at age 16–17, analysis of pupil data has found. Social Sciences Education – latest science and technology news stories
Children in England struggling at school entry more likely to face disadvantage at age 16–17, according to study