Classroom Instruction Resources Of The Week


Each week, I publish a post or two containing three or four particularly useful resources on classroom instruction, and you can see them all here.

You might also be interested in THE BEST RESOURCES ON INSTRUCTION IN 2022 – PART ONE.

Here are this week’s picks:

10 Tips for Teaching About the Holocaust is from PBS. I’m adding it to The Best Sites For Learning About The Holocaust.

We Cannot Lose These Lessons: International Holocaust Remembrance Day is from Facing History. I’m adding it to the same list.

Implementing Gameful Activities in an Online Class is from FLT Magazine. I’m adding it to THE BEST ONLINE LEARNING GAMES TO PLAY DURING DISTANCE LEARNING – SHARE YOUR ADDITIONS!

Using Place-Based Learning to Celebrate Black History in Elementary School is from Edutopia. I’m adding it to The Best Sites To Teach About African-American History.

The National Building Museum awhile back had an exhibition about evictions. They have an online teaching guide that seems like it could be adopted for other so-called “controversial” topics. I’m adding it to The Best Posts & Articles On How To Teach “Controversial” Topics.

   Each week, I publish a post or two containing three or four particularly useful resources on classroom instruction, and you can see them all here. You might also be interested in THE BEST RESOURCES ON INSTRUCTION IN 2022 – PART ONE. Here are this week’s picks: 10 Tips for Teaching About the Holocaust is instruction Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…

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