Corn rootworm’s secret weapon: How a genetic ‘pause’ helps a billion-dollar pest survive winter

Corn rootworm’s secret weapon: How a genetic ‘pause’ helps a billion-dollar pest survive winter

A study from the University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment offers fresh insights into a billion-dollar problem for U.S. corn producers each year. New research shows how two notorious pests, western and northern corn rootworms, survive cold winters and return the following year to wreak havoc on corn yields. The study is published in Current Research in Insect Science. A study from the University of Kentucky Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment offers fresh insights into a billion-dollar problem for U.S. corn producers each year. New research shows how two notorious pests, western and northern corn rootworms, survive cold winters and return the following year to wreak havoc on corn yields. The study is published in Current Research in Insect Science. Molecular & Computational biology Agriculture – latest science and technology news stories

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