Cosmic-Ray Showers Play Pivotal Role in Triggering Lightning Flashes

Cosmic-Ray Showers Play Pivotal Role in Triggering Lightning Flashes
Lightning starts with a positive fast discharge, followed by an even faster and more extensive negative discharge observed in 3D; signal polarizations slant from the discharge propagation direction and rotate between the two opposite fast discharges; these features can only be due to a cosmic-ray shower that preconditioned the discharge path and guided the discharge current direction. Image credit: ELG21.

With a newly-developed 3D mapping and polarization system, physicists at Los Alamos National Laboratory observed that some lightning flashes were not only started with the positive fast discharge, but it was followed immediately by an even faster and more extensive negative discharge.

The post Cosmic-Ray Showers Play Pivotal Role in Triggering Lightning Flashes appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News.

 With a newly-developed 3D mapping and polarization system, physicists at Los Alamos National Laboratory observed that some lightning flashes were not only started with the positive fast discharge, but it was followed immediately by an even faster and more extensive negative discharge.
The post Cosmic-Ray Showers Play Pivotal Role in Triggering Lightning Flashes appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News. Astronomy, Geoscience, Physics, Planetary Science, Space Exploration, Atmosphere, Charge, Cosmic rays, Discharge, Earth, Electric charge, Electric field, Lightning, Lightning initiation, Planet, Polarization, Solar System Sci.News: Breaking Science News

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