‘Craziest’ CT scan reveals tapeworm cysts in patient’s legs

‘Craziest’ CT scan reveals tapeworm cysts in patient’s legs

A CT scan image revealing tapeworm cysts in a patient’s legs is going viral. The condition, called cysticercosis, occurs when individuals ingest Taenia solium eggs from contaminated food or water. These larvae migrate in the body and form cysts in tissues, causing serious complications when affecting the brain, muscles, or eyes. A CT scan image revealing tapeworm cysts in a patient’s legs is going viral. The condition, called cysticercosis, occurs when individuals ingest Taenia solium eggs from contaminated food or water. These larvae migrate in the body and form cysts in tissues, causing serious complications when affecting the brain, muscles, or eyes.  Health and Fitness, Health Tips, Exercises & Workout Tips, Diet & Wellness | Times of India Lifestyle

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