Crypto exchange seeks help in finding $1.5bn stolen from digital wallet

Crypto exchange seeks help in finding $1.5bn stolen from digital wallet

Cybercrime, Cryptocurrencies, E-commerce, Technology, Dubai, Hacking, World news Business | The Guardian

​Bybit said attacker moved Ethereum currency to unknown address in what is thought to be biggest digital theftThe cryptocurrency exchange Bybit has called on the “brightest minds” in cybersecurity to help it recover $1.5bn (£1.2bn) stolen by hackers in what is thought to be the biggest single digital theft in history.The Dubai-based crypto platform said an attacker gained control of a wallet of Ethereum, one of the most popular digital currencies after bitcoin, and transferred the contents to an unknown address. Continue reading… 

Bybit said attacker moved Ethereum currency to unknown address in what is thought to be biggest digital theft

The cryptocurrency exchange Bybit has called on the “brightest minds” in cybersecurity to help it recover $1.5bn (£1.2bn) stolen by hackers in what is thought to be the biggest single digital theft in history.

The Dubai-based crypto platform said an attacker gained control of a wallet of Ethereum, one of the most popular digital currencies after bitcoin, and transferred the contents to an unknown address.

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