Demystifying Dyslexia

Often, schools under-identify multilinguals with dyslexia because they think the issue is language-based, so they don’t evaluate the student. There are places where multilingual students are overrepresented because we think we’ve given them the right kind of intervention when we actually haven’t. So, the relationship between multilingual students and special education is complicated.

The post Demystifying Dyslexia appeared first on Language Magazine.

 Often, schools under-identify multilinguals with dyslexia because they think the issue is language-based, so they don’t evaluate the student. There are places where multilingual students are overrepresented because we think we’ve given them the right kind of intervention when we actually haven’t. So, the relationship between multilingual students and special education is complicated.
The post Demystifying Dyslexia appeared first on Language Magazine. Multilingual Learners, Features, literacy, multilingual, dyslexia, feature, OSEP Language Magazine

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