Developmental biologists discover how a critical protein shapes gallbladder formation

Developmental biologists discover how a critical protein shapes gallbladder formation

The lab of Dr. Mark Magnuson, Louise B. McGavock Professor and professor of molecular physiology and biophysics at Vanderbilt University, has demonstrated that the formation of the gallbladder and bile duct system depends on the concentration of a transcription factor—Sox17—and that a small reduction in the amount of Sox17 results in mice that lack a gallbladder. The lab of Dr. Mark Magnuson, Louise B. McGavock Professor and professor of molecular physiology and biophysics at Vanderbilt University, has demonstrated that the formation of the gallbladder and bile duct system depends on the concentration of a transcription factor—Sox17—and that a small reduction in the amount of Sox17 results in mice that lack a gallbladder. Molecular & Computational biology – latest science and technology news stories

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