DNA profiling and its scientific value in establishing guilt or innocence in the justice system

DNA profiling and its scientific value in establishing guilt or innocence in the justice system

Though the accuracy of DNA evidence may be increasing with the advancement of science with every passing day, thereby making it more and more reliable, we have not yet reached a juncture where it may be said to be infallible. Thus, it cannot be said that the absence of DNA evidence would lead to an adverse inference against a party, especially in the presence of other cogent and reliable evidence on record in favour of such party Though the accuracy of DNA evidence may be increasing with the advancement of science with every passing day, thereby making it more and more reliable, we have not yet reached a juncture where it may be said to be infallible. Thus, it cannot be said that the absence of DNA evidence would lead to an adverse inference against a party, especially in the presence of other cogent and reliable evidence on record in favour of such party Health Health News, Wellbeing Tips, Diseases, Treatment and Nutrition | The Hindu

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