Do you see blue or green? This viral test plays with color perception

Do you see blue or green? This viral test plays with color perception

A visual neuroscientist realized he saw green and blue differently to his wife. He designed an interactive site that has received over 1.5m visits

It started with an argument over a blanket.

“I’m a visual neuroscientist, and my wife, Dr Marissé Masis-Solano, is an ophthalmologist,” says Dr Patrick Mineault, designer of the viral web app “We have this argument about a blanket in our house. I think it’s unambiguously green and she thinks it’s unambiguously blue.”

Continue reading… A visual neuroscientist realized he saw green and blue differently to his wife. He designed an interactive site that has received over 1.5m visitsIt started with an argument over a blanket.“I’m a visual neuroscientist, and my wife, Dr Marissé Masis-Solano, is an ophthalmologist,” says Dr Patrick Mineault, designer of the viral web app “We have this argument about a blanket in our house. I think it’s unambiguously green and she thinks it’s unambiguously blue.” Continue reading… Well actually, Artificial intelligence (AI), Life and style, Technology, Science, Computing 

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