Dumb reasons for blonde stereotypes | Letters

Dumb reasons for blonde stereotypes | Letters

Patriarchal values are to blame for the way blondes are typecast, writes Claire Williams, while Pauline Nahapiet contemplates going platinum and Kath Richmond recommends switching to nature’s highlighter

I have had many colours on my hair, and yes, life is different when blonde, no doubt about it (The blond advantage: fair hair completely changed my life – but is it time to give it up?, 18 March). It’s the same for my 21-year-old daughter. But I didn’t find the real reason for this in Elle Hunt’s article.

The reason we are treated so differently as blondes is because we live in a patriarchal society. Systems set up by men for men. The male gaze. It runs so deep that many levels are invisible until you see it. Yes, it’s a woman’s choice to wear and do whatever she wants, and yes, I absolutely fully applaud women who own their looks and themselves despite the male gaze. It’s a powerful thing.

Continue reading… Patriarchal values are to blame for the way blondes are typecast, writes Claire Williams, while Pauline Nahapiet contemplates going platinum and Kath Richmond recommends switching to nature’s highlighterI have had many colours on my hair, and yes, life is different when blonde, no doubt about it (The blond advantage: fair hair completely changed my life – but is it time to give it up?, 18 March). It’s the same for my 21-year-old daughter. But I didn’t find the real reason for this in Elle Hunt’s article.The reason we are treated so differently as blondes is because we live in a patriarchal society. Systems set up by men for men. The male gaze. It runs so deep that many levels are invisible until you see it. Yes, it’s a woman’s choice to wear and do whatever she wants, and yes, I absolutely fully applaud women who own their looks and themselves despite the male gaze. It’s a powerful thing. Continue reading… Women’s hair, Women, Fashion, Beauty, Life and style, Society, UK news 

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