EHT Makes Highest-Resolution Black Hole Detections Yet from Earth

EHT Makes Highest-Resolution Black Hole Detections Yet from Earth

EHT astrophysicists have conducted test observations achieving the highest resolution ever obtained from the surface of the Earth, by detecting light from the centers of distant galaxies at a frequency of around 345 GHz.

The post EHT Makes Highest-Resolution Black Hole Detections Yet from Earth appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News.

 EHT astrophysicists have conducted test observations achieving the highest resolution ever obtained from the surface of the Earth, by detecting light from the centers of distant galaxies at a frequency of around 345 GHz.
The post EHT Makes Highest-Resolution Black Hole Detections Yet from Earth appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News. Astronomy, ALMA, APEX, Black hole, EHT, Event Horizon Telescope, Frequency, Greenland Telescope, IRAM, M87, Messier 87, Milky Way, NOEMA, Sagittarius A*, Submillimeter Array, Supermassive black hole, VLBI Sci.News: Breaking Science News

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