Engineered yeast boosts D-lactic acid production, advancing eco-friendly biomanufacturing

Engineered yeast boosts D-lactic acid production, advancing eco-friendly biomanufacturing

Great recipes require the perfect combination of ingredients—biotechnology recipes are no exception. Researchers from Osaka Metropolitan University have discovered the ideal genetic “recipe” to turn yeast into a tiny yet powerful eco-friendly factory that converts methanol into D-lactic acid, a key compound used in biodegradable plastics and pharmaceuticals. Great recipes require the perfect combination of ingredients—biotechnology recipes are no exception. Researchers from Osaka Metropolitan University have discovered the ideal genetic “recipe” to turn yeast into a tiny yet powerful eco-friendly factory that converts methanol into D-lactic acid, a key compound used in biodegradable plastics and pharmaceuticals. Cell & Microbiology Biotechnology – latest science and technology news stories

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