Executive Function Explained

Executive Function Explained

Depositphotos 274664652 LReading time, 3 minutes: Do your students forget everything you teach them? Memory improvement relies on reducing cognitive overload and developing metacognitive awareness. What is executive function? Firstly, there is not a great deal of available research (currently 28 sources) which explicitly references “executive function”, “metacognition” and the “classroom.” I had no idea what it was when I was […] Reading time, 3 minutes: Do your students forget everything you teach them? Memory improvement relies on reducing cognitive overload and developing metacognitive awareness. What is executive function? Firstly, there is not a great deal of available research (currently 28 sources) which explicitly references “executive function”, “metacognition” and the “classroom.” I had no idea what it was when I was Academic Research, Cognitive Science, Teaching and Learning, Classroom Management, Education research, executive function, Learning Strategies, memory improvement, metacognition, Neuroeducation, reducing cognitive overload, retrieval practice, scaffolding metacognition, SEND Support, teaching reflection, teaching strategies, Working Memory TeacherToolkit

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