Eyed Needles Were Invented around 40,000 Years Ago in Eastern Eurasia, Archaeologists Say

Eyed needles were a new technological innovation used to adorn clothing for social and cultural purposes, marking the major shift from clothes as protection to clothes as an expression of identity.

The post Eyed Needles Were Invented around 40,000 Years Ago in Eastern Eurasia, Archaeologists Say appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News.

 Eyed needles were a new technological innovation used to adorn clothing for social and cultural purposes, marking the major shift from clothes as protection to clothes as an expression of identity.
The post Eyed Needles Were Invented around 40,000 Years Ago in Eastern Eurasia, Archaeologists Say appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News. Archaeology, Paleoanthropology, Clothing, Dress, Eurasia, Eyed needle, Homo, Homo sapiens, Human, Needle, Paleolithic, Siberia Sci.News: Breaking Science News

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