- Finding water-ice on Moon: Chandrayaan-3 unlocks some ‘hot’ secrets The Times of India
- Chandrayaan-3 mission: ISRO scientists unlock ‘hidden’ secrets about surface temperature of moon’s south pole Mint
- Editorial: Another feather in ISRO’s cap Telangana Today
- Ice may be abundant near the Moon’s south pole Nature.com
- Chandrayaan-3 mission: ISRO scientists unlock ‘hidden’ secrets about surface temperature of moon’s south pole MSN
Finding water-ice on Moon: Chandrayaan-3 unlocks some ‘hot’ secrets The Times of IndiaChandrayaan-3 mission: ISRO scientists unlock ‘hidden’ secrets about surface temperature of moon’s south pole MintEditorial: Another feather in ISRO’s cap Telangana TodayIce may be abundant near the Moon’s south pole Nature.comChandrayaan-3 mission: ISRO scientists unlock ‘hidden’ secrets about surface temperature of moon’s south pole MSN Top stories – Google News