Flat patches on ancient Europeans’ teeth reveal possible cheek piercing tradition

Flat patches on ancient Europeans’ teeth reveal possible cheek piercing tradition

A biological anthropologist at the University of Coimbra in Portugal is hypothesizing that the mysterious flat patches found on the sides of teeth in ancient Europeans may have been due to the placement of labrets. In his paper published in the Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, John Charles Willman describes his study of dozens of ancient teeth with the patches and how he arrived at his conclusion. A biological anthropologist at the University of Coimbra in Portugal is hypothesizing that the mysterious flat patches found on the sides of teeth in ancient Europeans may have been due to the placement of labrets. In his paper published in the Journal of Paleolithic Archaeology, John Charles Willman describes his study of dozens of ancient teeth with the patches and how he arrived at his conclusion. Archaeology Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories

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