Gallup Poll Finds K-12 Students Not Very Engaged In School

Gallup Poll Finds K-12 Students Not Very Engaged In School


A new Gallup poll does not paint a very rosy picture of how our students are feeling about school these days.

You can access the full report here (though you have to give them your email to get it).

Both Ed Week and NPR have good summaries of it. NPR also just ran a second good report on it.

I have mixed feeling about the validity of the survey’s results.

One, though Gallup says this was a genuine scientific survey of students across the nation, they have a long history of publicizing survey results about student engagement that are just based on students who feel like responding to it – with no effort to use polling science (though they don’t tell you that until the fine print at the end).

Secondly, the Walton Family Foundation has its name on the poll, and they are not the biggest fans of public schools.

Nevertheless, it’s interesting information to have, and excerpts (or the NPR/Ed Week articles) might be worth having students in class read and then respond to this prompt:

The Gallup survey says that most students don’t feel very engaged in school, including not feeling like they have supportive teachers and not feeling challenged by their schoolwork.  Do you agree? Do you agree with the survey’s results? Support your opinion with your experiences, your observations of others, and your readings.

I’m adding this info to The Best Posts & Articles On Student Engagement.

The results from this question were another particularly interesting part of the report:

Image from Walton Family Foundation Gallup Voices of Gen Z Study Year 2 Annual Survey Report

   A new Gallup poll does not paint a very rosy picture of how our students are feeling about school these days. You can access the full report here (though you have to give them your email to get it). Both Ed Week and NPR have good summaries of it. NPR also just ran a school reform Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…

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