Reading time, 4 minutes: Are our brains wired to remember differently? During a recent Guide To Memory training day, I provided teachers with the opportunity to pose questions for discussion in the room. A leader of teaching and learning asked a really important question: Are there any gender differences in semantic memory? At the time, I couldn’t reference any […] Reading time, 4 minutes: Are our brains wired to remember differently? During a recent Guide To Memory training day, I provided teachers with the opportunity to pose questions for discussion in the room. A leader of teaching and learning asked a really important question: Are there any gender differences in semantic memory? At the time, I couldn’t reference any Academic Research, Teaching and Learning, boys and girls, classroom learning, cognitive differences, Cognitive Science, Educational Psychology, Episodic Memory, gender differences, inclusive teaching, Knowledge organisers, Long Term Memory, Memory recall, memory research, memory types, Neuroeducation, retrieval practice, Semantic Memory, SEND strategies, storytelling in teaching, Student Engagement, teaching strategies TeacherToolkit
Gender Differences in Semantic & Episodic Memory