Hi everyone! I’m Jess, a Senior Content Creator here at Khan Academy, and I’m excited to tell you about our newest course: Get Ready for SAT Prep: Math. As someone who’s deeply involved in creating test-prep content that works for all students, I want to share why this course is a game changer for SAT preparation.
First, let me explain what makes this course special. Think of it as your bridge to SAT success: a pre-prep course that builds the fundamental skills you’ll need before diving into Khan Academy’s official SAT Math course.
Who Is This Course For?
If you’re a 9th or 10th grader looking to get ahead of the game for your future PSAT/NMSQT or SAT, this course provides a good starting point. It’s also an excellent resource if you’ve taken our official SAT Math course and found some of the Foundations-level content too challenging or you’ve scored below 500 on a recent PSAT or SAT Math test.
A Step Back to Strengthen Your Math Skills
Get Ready takes a step back to ensure you truly understand the fundamental concepts at a Pre-Foundations level—meaning a step or two below the difficulty levels you’ll encounter on the PSAT/NMSQT and the SAT. Once you master these basics, you’ll find yourself much better equipped to tackle the content in the SAT Math course.
You may notice that some skills in the Get Ready course already show progress toward mastery: this is because the Get Ready exercises also appear across other Khan Academy math courses, and your existing mastery progress on those exercises transfers over.

How to Use This Course Effectively
An important note: this isn’t meant to be a standalone SAT prep course. Instead, it’s designed to prepare you for success in the SAT Math course, which is your ultimate tool for test preparation. Think of it as your mathematical warmup: the preparation before the preparation!
You can use the quizzes at the end of each skill in the Get Ready course to see if you’re ready to move on to the SAT Math course content at the Foundational level for that skill.
- When you succeed on the quiz, you’re ready to move on to the SAT Math course’s Foundations lessons for that skill.
- If you can’t achieve mastery on the quiz, dive into the videos and exercises for that skill to learn and practice before attempting the quiz again.

A Valuable Resource for Teachers and Schools
For teachers and schools, this course offers fantastic flexibility. You can begin implementing it as early as 9th or 10th grade, giving students a longer runway for SAT preparation. It’s also an invaluable resource for helping 11th-grade students who need extra support with specific mathematical concepts before tackling SAT-level content.
Your Path to SAT Success Starts Here
Whether you’re a student looking to build a strong foundation for future SAT success or an educator seeking to provide targeted support, Get Ready for SAT Prep: Math is designed to meet you where you are and help you get where you need to be.
Remember, mastering the fundamentals is the key to long-term success. We’re excited to be part of your SAT and PSAT journey!
The post Get Ready for SAT Prep: Math—Your Bridge to Success appeared first on Khan Academy Blog.
Hi everyone! I’m Jess, a Senior Content Creator here at Khan Academy, and I’m excited to tell you about our newest course: Get Ready … Read more
The post Get Ready for SAT Prep: Math—Your Bridge to Success appeared first on Khan Academy Blog. Educators, Learners, Math, News, Parents Khan Academy Blog