Global funding cuts reversing decades of tuberculosis progress, WHO says – Pharmaceutical Technology

  1. Global funding cuts reversing decades of tuberculosis progress, WHO says  Pharmaceutical Technology
  2. WHO calls for urgent action to address worldwide disruptions in tuberculosis services putting millions of lives at risk  World Health Organization
  3. Meaningfully engaged communities are the key to ending TB  The Hindu
  4. Countries and donors must sustain investment in fight against tuberculosis in children  ReliefWeb
  5. Series of activities to mark World TB Day On March 24  The Times of India

 Global funding cuts reversing decades of tuberculosis progress, WHO says  Pharmaceutical TechnologyWHO calls for urgent action to address worldwide disruptions in tuberculosis services putting millions of lives at risk  World Health OrganizationMeaningfully engaged communities are the key to ending TB  The HinduCountries and donors must sustain investment in fight against tuberculosis in children  ReliefWebSeries of activities to mark World TB Day On March 24  The Times of India  Top stories – Google News

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