Consumer affairs, Backpacking holidays, Travel, Money, Travel & leisure Business | The Guardian
There are plenty of ways to save money when travelling. Follow these tips and the world is your oyster, for longerFrom staying with locals and sleeping in a hammock to clubbing together with other travellers, there are plenty of ways to save money while backpacking.It might be 21 years since my first backpacking adventure – a 15-month trip that included travelling overland across parts of south-east Asia and working in Sydney – but fast forward to today, and here I am with an even larger backpack and making my way from Mexico to New York by bus for six months. Continue reading…
There are plenty of ways to save money when travelling. Follow these tips and the world is your oyster, for longer
From staying with locals and sleeping in a hammock to clubbing together with other travellers, there are plenty of ways to save money while backpacking.
It might be 21 years since my first backpacking adventure – a 15-month trip that included travelling overland across parts of south-east Asia and working in Sydney – but fast forward to today, and here I am with an even larger backpack and making my way from Mexico to New York by bus for six months.