Helping Business Statistics Students Thrive With WebAssign

Reading Time: < 1 minute

For Dr. Raymond Papp, who teaches classes that rely heavily on Statistics and Algebra, making course material engaging was a challenge. His students weren’t meeting the objectives of his course, and he was spending way too much time dealing with academic dishonesty.

But after implementing WebAssign in his course, he found his students were not only more engaged — they were more honest with their work. In fact, 80% of Dr. Papp’s students felt that WebAssign helped them stay organized and study effectively.

“More students passed the course and were able to achieve the student learning outcomes.”

— Dr. Raymond Papp, University of Tampa

Check out the full report to learn more about how WebAssign made an impact in Dr. Papp’s Business Statistics and Analytics courses.

The post Helping Business Statistics Students Thrive With WebAssign appeared first on The Cengage Blog.

 Reading Time: < 1 minute For Dr. Raymond Papp, who teaches classes that rely heavily on Statistics and Algebra, making course material engaging was a challenge. His students weren’t meeting the objectives of his course, and he was spending way too much time dealing with academic dishonesty. But after implementing WebAssign in his course, he found his students were not […]
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The post Helping Business Statistics Students Thrive With WebAssign appeared first on The Cengage Blog. Product Updates, Business, Business Statistics, Student Engagement, Student Success, WebAssign The Cengage Blog

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