Houseplant clinic: Which windows work best for my plants?

Houseplant clinic: Which windows work best for my plants?

Got a houseplant query? Our expert is here to help. This week: working out how much sun your windows get and which plants to place in them

What’s the problem?
I want to give my plants the best possible spot in my home, but I’m unsure which windows provide the right light. How do I figure out where each plant will thrive?

Light is one of the most important factors in houseplant health, and different windows create different growing conditions: south-facing windows get intense, direct light all day, perfect for cacti and succulents; east-facing windows receive a soft morning sun, ideal for ferns, peace lilies and prayer plants; west-facing windows provide stronger afternoon sun, suiting monsteras, hoyas and rubber plants; north-facing windows get low, indirect light, best for snake plants, ZZ plants and pothos.

Continue reading… Got a houseplant query? Our expert is here to help. This week: working out how much sun your windows get and which plants to place in themWhat’s the problem?I want to give my plants the best possible spot in my home, but I’m unsure which windows provide the right light. How do I figure out where each plant will thrive?DiagnosisLight is one of the most important factors in houseplant health, and different windows create different growing conditions: south-facing windows get intense, direct light all day, perfect for cacti and succulents; east-facing windows receive a soft morning sun, ideal for ferns, peace lilies and prayer plants; west-facing windows provide stronger afternoon sun, suiting monsteras, hoyas and rubber plants; north-facing windows get low, indirect light, best for snake plants, ZZ plants and pothos. Continue reading… Houseplants, Life and style, Gardening advice 

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