Mediamodifier / Pixabay
You may or may not have heard that Google has unveiled something called Deep Research, and that, at least for now, it’s free to everyone.
It’s a “tool that explores complex topics for you and delivers its findings in a comprehensive, detailed report.”
Well, I asked it for a summary on student motivation research, and it provided a 21 page report (you can download it in a Word doc here, or view it on Google Docs here).
It’s certainly thorough, but I think it could easily been distilled into a page-or-two.
It also created a seven-minute podcast, which seemed to do a better job of making it accessible.
Also, I didn’t fact-check the report.
I’m not convinced it’s going to be that helpful to most people. Google keeps on trying to come up with some way to use Artificial Intelligence that’s useful. Apart from Notebook.LM, which I think might be marginally useful in reviewing materials that we collect ourselves, they haven’t been very successful.
Nevertheless, I am adding this paper to Best Posts On “Motivating” Students.
You may or may not have heard that Google has unveiled something called Deep Research, and that, at least for now, it’s free to everyone. It’s a “tool that explores complex topics for you and delivers its findings in a comprehensive, detailed report.” Well, I asked it for a summary on student motivation research, AI, research studies Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…