I’m a successful woman but worry I don’t deserve it. How can I shake my constant self-doubt? | Leading questions

I’m a successful woman but worry I don’t deserve it. How can I shake my constant self-doubt? | Leading questions

Nobody beats you at being you, writes advice columnist Eleanor Gordon-Smith. Instead of trying to answer your inner critic, use your role and talents with responsibility

I’m a woman in my 40s. On paper, I’ve achieved everything I set out to accomplish. Some milestones took one or two attempts, while others came with surprising ease. I’m now a specialist in a sought-after field, hold an academic position at a university, and am married with a substantial mortgage.

And yet a persistent sense of inadequacy lingers. There’s always someone who seems to have achieved more – at least on paper. I often feel like an impostor, as if luck or connections were the real reasons I got here. When success required more than one attempt, I can’t shake the thought that I didn’t truly earn my place. If I really belonged, I tell myself, I would have succeeded on the first try.

Continue reading… Nobody beats you at being you, writes advice columnist Eleanor Gordon-Smith. Instead of trying to answer your inner critic, use your role and talents with responsibilityRead more Leading questionsI’m a woman in my 40s. On paper, I’ve achieved everything I set out to accomplish. Some milestones took one or two attempts, while others came with surprising ease. I’m now a specialist in a sought-after field, hold an academic position at a university, and am married with a substantial mortgage. And yet a persistent sense of inadequacy lingers. There’s always someone who seems to have achieved more – at least on paper. I often feel like an impostor, as if luck or connections were the real reasons I got here. When success required more than one attempt, I can’t shake the thought that I didn’t truly earn my place. If I really belonged, I tell myself, I would have succeeded on the first try. Continue reading… Work & careers, Australian lifestyle, Life and style, Women 

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