Irma Grant obituary

Irma Grant obituary

My mother Irma Grant, who has died aged 94, was a milliner and tailor, teacher and administrator, homemaker and gardener. Throughout her long life she applied her ingenuity, creativity and talents to a wide range of activities.

In 1939, Irma was evacuated from London to Bedford as part of Operation Pied Piper. She lived with Dora and Harry Lynham. Years later the Lynhams attended Irma’s wedding, and Irma’s children spent school holidays with Auntie and Uncle Bedford.

Continue reading… My mother Irma Grant, who has died aged 94, was a milliner and tailor, teacher and administrator, homemaker and gardener. Throughout her long life she applied her ingenuity, creativity and talents to a wide range of activities.In 1939, Irma was evacuated from London to Bedford as part of Operation Pied Piper. She lived with Dora and Harry Lynham. Years later the Lynhams attended Irma’s wedding, and Irma’s children spent school holidays with Auntie and Uncle Bedford. Continue reading… Fashion, Education, Higher education, Life and style, London, Judaism 

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