Is the Best Form of Input Interactive?

This article summarizes the first results of an ongoing experiment which tests how text-based computer games called hypertext fictions (HFs) compare to traditional reading assignments in teaching French grammar and vocabulary. My hypothesis was that interactive input is more compelling and leads to more acquisition. The Importance of Input The relevance of input has been […]

The post Is the Best Form of Input Interactive? appeared first on Language Magazine.

 This article summarizes the first results of an ongoing experiment which tests how text-based computer games called hypertext fictions (HFs) compare to traditional reading assignments in teaching French grammar and vocabulary. My hypothesis was that interactive input is more compelling and leads to more acquisition. The Importance of Input The relevance of input has been
The post Is the Best Form of Input Interactive? appeared first on Language Magazine. Gamification, EdTech, Features, French, gamification, hypertext fictions, input, feature, interaction, language Language Magazine

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