‘Jumping gene’ caught in the act: Advanced imaging provides new insights into retrotransposons

‘Jumping gene’ caught in the act: Advanced imaging provides new insights into retrotransposons

An arms race is unfolding in our cells: Transposons, also known as jumping genes or mobile genetic elements as they can replicate and reinsert themselves in the genome, threaten the cell’s genome integrity by triggering DNA rearrangements and causing mutations. Host cells, in turn, protect their genome using intricate defense mechanisms that stop transposons from jumping. An arms race is unfolding in our cells: Transposons, also known as jumping genes or mobile genetic elements as they can replicate and reinsert themselves in the genome, threaten the cell’s genome integrity by triggering DNA rearrangements and causing mutations. Host cells, in turn, protect their genome using intricate defense mechanisms that stop transposons from jumping. Cell & Microbiology Biotechnology Phys.org – latest science and technology news stories

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