Kuiper-Belt Object Altjira is Likely a Hierarchical Triple System

Kuiper-Belt Object Altjira is Likely a Hierarchical Triple System
This artist’s concept depicts one of the possible scenarios for the Altjira system in the Kuiper Belt. Image credit: NASA / ESA / Joseph Olmsted, STScI.

Altjira, also known as 2001 UQ18, is located in the outer reaches of the Solar System, 6 billion km (3.7 billion miles) away, or 44 times the distance between Earth and the Sun.

The post Kuiper-Belt Object Altjira is Likely a Hierarchical Triple System appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News.

 Altjira, also known as 2001 UQ18, is located in the outer reaches of the Solar System, 6 billion km (3.7 billion miles) away, or 44 times the distance between Earth and the Sun.
The post Kuiper-Belt Object Altjira is Likely a Hierarchical Triple System appeared first on Sci.News: Breaking Science News. Astronomy, Featured, 2001 UQ18, Altjira, Binary trans-Neptunian object, ESA, Hubble, KBO, Keck Observatory, Kuiper Belt, NASA, Solar System, Trans-Neptunian object, Triple trans-Neptunian object Sci.News: Breaking Science News

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