Later School Days Can Boost Retrieval, & Behaviour!

Reading Time: 3 minutes Could adjusting school start times boost student success? This research suggests earlier school start times equate to less sleep for students, increased absences (slightly) and modestly increased exam scores for disadvantaged students … However, little is known about primary schools. Changing the start of the school day New research, Early Birds in Elementary School? School […] Reading Time: 3 minutes Could adjusting school start times boost student success? This research suggests earlier school start times equate to less sleep for students, increased absences (slightly) and modestly increased exam scores for disadvantaged students … However, little is known about primary schools. Changing the start of the school day New research, Early Birds in Elementary School? School Academic Research, Basic Account, Behaviour, Curriculum, academic performance, attendance, Cognitive Science, Curriculum Design, curriculum development, disadvantaged students, Education, educational outcomes, elementary education, Exclusions, Neuroeducation, outcomes, school leadership, school start times, Student Engagement, Teacher Resources, Timetable, Timetabling TeacherToolkit

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