Making food from our organic waste may not be as good an idea as first thought

Making food from our organic waste may not be as good an idea as first thought

Waste-to-nutrition technologies aim to transform residual organic waste (such as forestry and agricultural residues, manure, green residues and food waste) into ingredients for human or animal consumption. They are often presented as innovative and sustainable solutions for reducing the environmental impact of food systems. They may involve insect farms fed on agrifood residues, biorefineries to extract proteins from plant residues, or the production of proteins by microorganisms in bioreactors. Waste-to-nutrition technologies aim to transform residual organic waste (such as forestry and agricultural residues, manure, green residues and food waste) into ingredients for human or animal consumption. They are often presented as innovative and sustainable solutions for reducing the environmental impact of food systems. They may involve insect farms fed on agrifood residues, biorefineries to extract proteins from plant residues, or the production of proteins by microorganisms in bioreactors. Environment – latest science and technology news stories

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