Mapping the sex life of malaria parasites at single cell resolution reveals genetics underlying transmission

Mapping the sex life of malaria parasites at single cell resolution reveals genetics underlying transmission

Malaria is caused by a eukaryotic microbe of the Plasmodium genus, and is responsible for more deaths than all other parasitic diseases combined. In order to transmit from the human host to the mosquito vector, the parasite has to differentiate into its sexual stage, referred to as the gametocyte stage. Malaria is caused by a eukaryotic microbe of the Plasmodium genus, and is responsible for more deaths than all other parasitic diseases combined. In order to transmit from the human host to the mosquito vector, the parasite has to differentiate into its sexual stage, referred to as the gametocyte stage. Cell & Microbiology Molecular & Computational biology – latest science and technology news stories

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