Mass spectrometry method introduces novel concept for in-cell protein characterization

Mass spectrometry method introduces novel concept for in-cell protein characterization

Proteins in cells are highly flexible and often exist in multiple conformations, each with unique abilities to bind ligands. These conformations are regulated by the organism to control protein function. Currently, most studies on protein structure and activity are conducted using purified proteins in vitro, which cannot fully replicate the complexity of the intracellular environment and may be influenced by the purification process or buffer conditions. Proteins in cells are highly flexible and often exist in multiple conformations, each with unique abilities to bind ligands. These conformations are regulated by the organism to control protein function. Currently, most studies on protein structure and activity are conducted using purified proteins in vitro, which cannot fully replicate the complexity of the intracellular environment and may be influenced by the purification process or buffer conditions. Cell & Microbiology Molecular & Computational biology – latest science and technology news stories

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