Materials scientist describes new world order for glasses, liquids

Materials scientist describes new world order for glasses, liquids

In 1543, Copernicus pitched the heliocentric idea that the Earth orbited the sun. His theory took 150 years to catch on and more than 400 years for the Vatican to officially accept it. Likewise, distinguished materials scientist Takeshi Egami has spent his career revealing the complex atomic structure of metallic glass and other liquids—sometimes sharing theories with initially resistant minds in the scientific community. However, he is willing to go the distance to bring his colleagues on board to his latest discoveries. In 1543, Copernicus pitched the heliocentric idea that the Earth orbited the sun. His theory took 150 years to catch on and more than 400 years for the Vatican to officially accept it. Likewise, distinguished materials scientist Takeshi Egami has spent his career revealing the complex atomic structure of metallic glass and other liquids—sometimes sharing theories with initially resistant minds in the scientific community. However, he is willing to go the distance to bring his colleagues on board to his latest discoveries. Materials Science – latest science and technology news stories

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