Memory Retrieval in the Context of Teaching and Learning

Memory Retrieval in the Context of Teaching and Learning

Memory Retrieval Students Working Together In LessonReading time, 2 minutes: Do your students struggle to recall key knowledge? Think of memory like your bedroom wardrobe—well-organised knowledge is easier to retrieve, while cluttered information is quickly forgotten. Why memory works like a wardrobe This short webinar explores memory retrieval – as a wardrobe metaphor – and how it can help teachers understand memory storage and retrieval […] Reading time, 2 minutes: Do your students struggle to recall key knowledge? Think of memory like your bedroom wardrobe—well-organised knowledge is easier to retrieve, while cluttered information is quickly forgotten. Why memory works like a wardrobe This short webinar explores memory retrieval – as a wardrobe metaphor – and how it can help teachers understand memory storage and retrieval Cognitive Science, Teaching and Learning, classroom learning, cognitive load, Dual Coding, Education research, executive function, knowledge organisation, Learning retention, memory retrieval, metacognition, mnemonics, Neuroeducation, retrieval practice, schema theory, spaced learning, student memory, teacher CPD, Teacher Training, teaching strategies, Toddle, Working Memory TeacherToolkit

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