Men with better sperm quality may live longer, new study

Men with better sperm quality may live longer, new study

Men with higher sperm motility may live longer, finds a large study observing 78,284 men over 50 years. Those with over 120 million motile sperm could live 2-3 years longer than those with fewer than 5 million. Researchers also linked lower semen quality with a lower life expectancy, suggesting the importance of fertility assessments for detecting other health risks. Men with higher sperm motility may live longer, finds a large study observing 78,284 men over 50 years. Those with over 120 million motile sperm could live 2-3 years longer than those with fewer than 5 million. Researchers also linked lower semen quality with a lower life expectancy, suggesting the importance of fertility assessments for detecting other health risks.  Health and Fitness, Health Tips, Exercises & Workout Tips, Diet & Wellness | Times of India Lifestyle

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