Migraines made life feel unlivable. It took years to find a doctor who believed me

Migraines made life feel unlivable. It took years to find a doctor who believed me

Experts said my headaches and vertigo were just anxiety. Then one neurologist helped me feel hopeful again

Soon after my first child was born in 2012, I woke up every morning with a pulsating pain in my head and a disorienting feeling, like the floor was shifting beneath my feet. I’d stumble to the bathroom, popping Tylenol and Tums, but they only offered temporary relief. As a new mom, I struggled to care for myself while also looking after a tiny human. At first, I thought my frequent throbbing headaches, relentless nausea and debilitating vertigo were normal for postpartum life.

Then, everything became a trigger. At live concerts, loud music made my ears ring, my neck tighten and the room spin. So I stopped going. At playgrounds, seesaws and merry-go-rounds made me queasy. At happy hours with other moms, my hands went numb, fearing alcohol would set off an episode, leaving me unable to drive home. So I avoided those places, too.

Continue reading… Experts said my headaches and vertigo were just anxiety. Then one neurologist helped me feel hopeful againSoon after my first child was born in 2012, I woke up every morning with a pulsating pain in my head and a disorienting feeling, like the floor was shifting beneath my feet. I’d stumble to the bathroom, popping Tylenol and Tums, but they only offered temporary relief. As a new mom, I struggled to care for myself while also looking after a tiny human. At first, I thought my frequent throbbing headaches, relentless nausea and debilitating vertigo were normal for postpartum life.Then, everything became a trigger. At live concerts, loud music made my ears ring, my neck tighten and the room spin. So I stopped going. At playgrounds, seesaws and merry-go-rounds made me queasy. At happy hours with other moms, my hands went numb, fearing alcohol would set off an episode, leaving me unable to drive home. So I avoided those places, too. Continue reading… Well actually, Health & wellbeing, Health, Life and style 

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