Minister ‘sets path’ to allow Gatwick to open second runway

Minister ‘sets path’ to allow Gatwick to open second runway

Gatwick airport, Airline industry, Air transport, Heidi Alexander, Business, Transport, Transport policy, UK news, Greenhouse gas emissions, Politics Business | The Guardian

​Transport secretary backs £2.2bn airport plan to modify emergency runway to cater for 100,000 extra flights a yearBusiness live – latest updatesGatwick has been given qualified consent to operate a second runway after the government “set out a path to expansion” for London’s second biggest airport.The transport secretary, Heidi Alexander, was “minded to approve” the £2.2bn expansion scheme, according to a government source, but has yet to ratify the development consent order that could allow more than 100,000 extra flights a year at the West Sussex airport. Continue reading… 

Transport secretary backs £2.2bn airport plan to modify emergency runway to cater for 100,000 extra flights a year

Gatwick has been given qualified consent to operate a second runway after the government “set out a path to expansion” for London’s second biggest airport.

The transport secretary, Heidi Alexander, was “minded to approve” the £2.2bn expansion scheme, according to a government source, but has yet to ratify the development consent order that could allow more than 100,000 extra flights a year at the West Sussex airport.

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