Mosquito-borne diseases posing greater threat to Europe due to climate change: ECDC XinhuaCases of dengue, mosquito-borne diseases rising in Europe, EU health agency warns Hindustan TimesFrance enlists ‘dengue detectives’ to prevent outbreak at the Paris Olympics The TelegraphDengue surges in Europe thanks to climate change POLITICO EuropeDoes dengue pose a threat to the WHO European Region? World Health Organization (WHO) Mosquito-borne diseases posing greater threat to Europe due to climate change: ECDC XinhuaCases of dengue, mosquito-borne diseases rising in Europe, EU health agency warns Hindustan TimesFrance enlists ‘dengue detectives’ to prevent outbreak at the Paris Olympics The TelegraphDengue surges in Europe thanks to climate change POLITICO EuropeDoes dengue pose a threat to the WHO European Region? World Health Organization (WHO) Top stories – Google News