- Most common vaginal infection is actually a sexually transmitted disease, says study: Why both men and women need to be treated together The Indian Express
- Common vaginal condition is really an STD, study finds CNN International
- New England Journal of Medicine editorial by Jack Sobel, M.D., calls for treating bacterial vaginosis as STI Wayne State University
- Study Reveals Sexual Transmission of Bacterial Vaginosis Medscape
- Bacterial Vaginosis is Classified as an STI LabRoots
Most common vaginal infection is actually a sexually transmitted disease, says study: Why both men and women need to be treated together The Indian ExpressCommon vaginal condition is really an STD, study finds CNN InternationalNew England Journal of Medicine editorial by Jack Sobel, M.D., calls for treating bacterial vaginosis as STI Wayne State UniversityStudy Reveals Sexual Transmission of Bacterial Vaginosis MedscapeBacterial Vaginosis is Classified as an STI LabRoots Top stories – Google News