Nasa issues a critical warning as a massive, house-sized asteroid approaches Earth at an alarming speed… MoneycontrolNASA issues sudden alert as massive asteroid comes too close to Earth at scary speed WIONIndependence Day alert! NASA warns an asteroid of the size of a huge plane to cross Earth The Times of IndiaWatch the Skies! 37-foot Asteroid to zoom by Earth, alerts NASA – What you need to know The Financial ExpressAsteroid 2024 OR1: NASA Confirms No Threat Despite Proximity Of Flyby To Earth on August 6 NewsX Nasa issues a critical warning as a massive, house-sized asteroid approaches Earth at an alarming speed… MoneycontrolNASA issues sudden alert as massive asteroid comes too close to Earth at scary speed WIONIndependence Day alert! NASA warns an asteroid of the size of a huge plane to cross Earth The Times of IndiaWatch the Skies! 37-foot Asteroid to zoom by Earth, alerts NASA – What you need to know The Financial ExpressAsteroid 2024 OR1: NASA Confirms No Threat Despite Proximity Of Flyby To Earth on August 6 NewsX Top stories – Google News