National political dialogue focuses on power and morals, finds study

National political dialogue focuses on power and morals, finds study

A study of political speeches, social media posts from politicians, and Reddit discussions among everyday users finds a higher prevalence of abstract, moralized, and power-centric language in national versus local politics. Political dialogue and debate in the United States has largely shifted from the local to the national in recent years, in part due to the decline of local news media. However, national discussions lack the concrete common ground that comes from shared place-based knowledge. A study of political speeches, social media posts from politicians, and Reddit discussions among everyday users finds a higher prevalence of abstract, moralized, and power-centric language in national versus local politics. Political dialogue and debate in the United States has largely shifted from the local to the national in recent years, in part due to the decline of local news media. However, national discussions lack the concrete common ground that comes from shared place-based knowledge. Political science – latest science and technology news stories

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