Need-to-Know Spring 2025: Question generators for student engagement, interactive Biology tools, and time-saving export options

Need-to-Know Spring 2025: Question generators for student engagement, interactive Biology tools, and time-saving export options

What’s new for Spring 2025

Need-to-Know is our quarterly collection of product releases, new content and courses, and improvements made to functionality—everything you need to know in one place!

Updates and releases as part of your free Khan Academy Account

AI tools: Khan Academy Writing Coach

Free AI Tool for Guided Writing, Feedback, and Teacher Insight

Thanks to our partnership with Microsoft, Khan Academy Writing Coach, our AI-powered writing assistant, is now available for free to all teachers! With Writing Coach, teachers can streamline writing instruction and help students grow as writers—providing students with step-by-step guidance and teachers with actionable insights throughout the entire writing process.

Create an assignment

AI tools: Khanmigo Blooket Generator

AI Question Generator Creates Blooket Sets for Teachers

This exciting collaboration between our free AI-powered teaching assistant, Khanmigo, and Blooket, combines the best of both platforms without any usage limits to make teaching and learning more fun! While Blooket already offers an extensive library of pre-made question sets, this new integration allows teachers to create quizzes using Khanmigo to tailor content to effortlessly fit their classroom needs. By integrating Khanmigo’s AI capabilities with Blooket’s dynamic quiz games, teachers can now enjoy a streamlined, time-saving solution to make their lessons unique and interactive.

Build a question set

AI tools: Export functionality from Khanmigo

Teacher Prep Time Just Got Easier with Several New Export Options

Creating ready-to-use classroom content has never been easier! Khanmigo now lets teachers export lesson plans and exit tickets directly to Google Slides or download them as a PowerPoint file. And with just a click, teachers can also export Multiple Choice Quizzes, Exit Tickets, and Question Generator activities directly to Google Forms.

Try it today

AI tools: Khanmigo Rubric Generator

AI-Powered Lesson Planning and Rubric Generation

Finding time for lesson planning and rubric generation amid other teaching responsibilities can be a struggle. With new improvements to Khanmigo Teacher Tools, teachers can build both in a matter of minutes. Khanmigo now has additional lesson plan templates like 4-Part, 5-Part, 5E, Inquiry-Based, and UDL; teachers can create plans that align best with their instructional style. Teachers can also easily create and customize rubrics in just one step! List up to seven key criteria, refine them with the Khanmigo Coeditor, and export, print, or share rubrics in the format that works best for their class.

Create a rubric now

New and updated content to assign to your class

New Course: ELA Grades 7-10

New and Improved ELA Courses for Grades 7–10

We have expanded and enhanced our ELA courses for grades 7–10 to better support reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. With updated lessons, more practice exercises, and engaging texts, these courses help students build confidence and master key concepts. Whether reinforcing skills or introducing new material, these resources are designed to fit classroom needs.

Explore the courses

New Content: Biology Tools

Engage Students with Interactive Biology Tools

If you’re a high school biology teacher looking for engaging, classroom-ready resources, we have you covered. With support from the Amgen Foundation, we’ve developed a suite of interactive tools designed to deepen student understanding and bring biology concepts to life. From simulation-based exercises to thoughtfully crafted activities, these resources help students explore topics like cell structure, genetics, and evolution in a meaningful way.

Access the free resources

New Content: Financial Literacy Resources

Bring Financial Literacy to Life

Looking for a way to make financial literacy more interactive for students? Our real-world application videos are the perfect solution. Designed to spark conversations and laughter, these videos illustrate key financial concepts like consumer credit, investments & retirement, and taxes in relatable, everyday situations.

Explore our full library

New Course: SAT Math Prep

Help Students Build a Strong SAT Math Foundation

The Get Ready for SAT Prep: Math course is perfect for 9th and 10th graders or students who need extra support before tackling full SAT prep. It reinforces fundamental skills, giving them the confidence to succeed in higher-level math. Think of it as a step-by-step bridge to SAT success.

Assign the course to students

The post Need-to-Know Spring 2025: Question generators for student engagement, interactive Biology tools, and time-saving export options appeared first on Khan Academy Blog.

 What’s new for Spring 2025 Need-to-Know is our quarterly collection of product releases, new content and courses, and improvements made to functionality—everything you need … Read more
The post Need-to-Know Spring 2025: Question generators for student engagement, interactive Biology tools, and time-saving export options appeared first on Khan Academy Blog. Educators, News, content, khan academy, Khanmigo for Teachers, new features Khan Academy Blog

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