New Study Finds That “Student-Centered” Teaching More Effective…

New Study Finds That “Student-Centered” Teaching More Effective…


The Effect of Student-Centered Strategies, Methods and Techniques Used in Mathematics Teaching on Problem Solving Skills: A Meta-Analysis Study is study that just came out (you can access a version not behind a paywall here).

They define “student centered strategies, methods, and techniques” as “Cooperative teaching, Game teaching, Technology-supported teaching, RME, PBL, etc.” I didn’t know what RME was, and in researching it, here’s the definition from ChatGPT: “Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) Approach: Teaching that connects mathematical concepts to real-life situations, making learning more relevant and meaningful.”

The paper would be more helpful it went more into depth on specific ways those techniques were most effective.

It compared those methods to “traditional” teaching methods, but never seemed to explain what those were other than saying:

“Unlike traditional teaching, in student-centered education, where the student is involved and the teacher is a guide rather than a transmitter.”

So, it’s always nice to have more research evidence to support “student-centered teaching.”  But this paper seems to be another example of researchers have so contact with actual K-12 teachers to help figure out how their study would actually be helpful to anyone.

I’m still adding this info to The Best Research Demonstrating That Lectures Are Not The Best Instructional Strategy.

   The Effect of Student-Centered Strategies, Methods and Techniques Used in Mathematics Teaching on Problem Solving Skills: A Meta-Analysis Study is study that just came out (you can access a version not behind a paywall here). They define “student centered strategies, methods, and techniques” as “Cooperative teaching, Game teaching, Technology-supported teaching, RME, PBL, etc.” I research studies Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…

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