Nigel Slater’s recipes for summer green vegetable curry and summer fruits in raspberry and elderflower

Nigel Slater’s recipes for summer green vegetable curry and summer fruits in raspberry and elderflower

Chop-and-change recipes to soak up the best of the late summer’s bounty

The summer is moving too quickly. I saw a basket of marrows, cobnuts in their frilly sheaths and fat heads of sweetcorn this week, a sure sign that autumn will be here in a heartbeat. This is the time of year I leave the shops with a panic-buy basket of summer greens and fruits, worried that this might be last I see for another year.

The fridge is looking bountiful, but it is stocked with vegetables and fruit that must be used quickly. Broad beans and long, climbing runners; broccoli and enough herbs for a summer’s worth of salsa verde. I came home with two sorts of basil this week: aniseed-scented Thai basil and a huge bunch of Italian leaves that you could smell from 2m away.

Continue reading… Chop-and-change recipes to soak up the best of the late summer’s bountyThe summer is moving too quickly. I saw a basket of marrows, cobnuts in their frilly sheaths and fat heads of sweetcorn this week, a sure sign that autumn will be here in a heartbeat. This is the time of year I leave the shops with a panic-buy basket of summer greens and fruits, worried that this might be last I see for another year.The fridge is looking bountiful, but it is stocked with vegetables and fruit that must be used quickly. Broad beans and long, climbing runners; broccoli and enough herbs for a summer’s worth of salsa verde. I came home with two sorts of basil this week: aniseed-scented Thai basil and a huge bunch of Italian leaves that you could smell from 2m away. Continue reading… Vegan food and drink, Food, Fruit, Dessert, Vegetarian food and drink, Life and style, Vegetables 

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